Where To Buy Fireplace Glass Doors
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A firebox is the part of the fireplace where the fire burns. So it must be able to withstand the heat that is generated from the fire. The type of fireplace you have will depend on if your firebox is brick or metal. Masonry fireplaces as stated above are built from bricks or stone and typically have a brick firebox.
Overlap fit masonry doors sit on the hearth or floor and up against the brick facing. They do not sit inside of the fireplace opening itself, which is why they are called overlap doors. The amount of overlap varies from door to door and is mainly impacted by the frame profile and frame width. Generally the larger or wider the door frame is the more overlap it will provide. For example if a fireplace door says it provides 2 1/2\" of overlap, that means the door will overhang 2 1/2\" past each side of the opening. For a 3-sided door this overlap would apply to the sides and top.
Every custom fireplace door has a variety of different finish options. Each manufacturer has their own line of finishes so if you notice different glass fireplace doors offering different finishes, that is likely the reason. Finish options are also dependent on the fireplace door material. There are typically standard and premium finished options although some of the more budget-friendly custom doors only offer standard powder coat finishes. It is important to understand that the same exact finish color will appear slightly different depending on what the base material is. For example, finishes applied to aluminum frame fireplace doors are considerably lighter than if that same finish was applied to a steel frame fireplace door.
Custom fireplace doors have the largest amount of additional options and accessories compared to standard fireplace doors. This is one of the reasons people lean toward a custom fireplace door along with them also offering a much wider range of available sizes and fitments. The most popular custom fireplace door options are Door Type, Glass Tint, and Mesh. Let's break down these 3 common options below:
Other common options are Fitment, Draft Assembly, and Door Designs. We talked about the difference between overlap fit and inside fit above, these are both fitment options. Most custom size fireplace doors can be made as inside fit or overlap fit, but there are some doors that only offer one or the other. It is important to check the information on the product page before ordering as the wrong fitment can cause serious issues. The draft assembly is basically a vent built into the bottom of the fireplace door frame, which also has a handle so it can be opened or closed. These are also known as damper assemblies. They are not required but they can be useful in certain situations if you have a wood burning fireplace. Lastly we mentioned door designs, these are laser cut metal designs that sit on top of the glass doors to give your custom made fireplace door more detail. These are not offered as an option on every custom fireplace door but when they are you will have multiple different door designs to choose from that will make your fireplace door completely unique.
Glass doors are available for current model fireplaces. Check with your local dealer on availability of doors for older models. It is important that you purchase glass doors that the manufacturer of your fireplace sells for your particular model. Using a non-approved door can block off cooling air into the firebox chassis and cause a potential fire hazard.
Fireplaces lend great beauty, warmth, and ambiance to your home. Accessories like mesh screens, hearth tools, or ceramic logs make fireplace usage more convenient and enjoyable. More and more homeowners opt for a particular accessory that increases fireplace safety and efficiency. Learn more about glass doors for your fireplace.
Fireplace doors are a set of double glass doors that cover the opening of a fireplace. Some doors open and close like traditional double doors, while others unfold in a track system to open and then shut flat again.
While some gas fireplaces come standard with glass doors, you can add these doors to any type of existing fireplace. For example, a wood-burning fireplace you convert to gas can still accommodate glass doors. You can also install glass doors onto electric fireplaces as well.
Glass doors have tempered glass that can withstand fireplace temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. This feature allows glass to retain its physical properties and not melt, distort, or emit fumes in high heat. Tempered glass is safer because it will not break into large, dangerous shards. Instead, tempered glass shatters into many tiny pieces that are easier to handle and much less likely to cut someone.
Different styles of doors allow you to create a more unifying feel to a room. Some doors are simple or modern in appearance, which appeals to a minimalist sense of style. Other door styles are more ornate and better suited to classic or rustic décor. Additionally, glass door frames come in a variety of metal finishes like iron, copper, or tinted aluminum.
Glass doors are an important safety feature. A fireplace not in use should remain with doors tightly closed to keep pets and children safely away. For example, gas fireplaces contain moveable components and gas jets that children should not touch. Those doors also serve to help keep debris within the firebox and not all over your hearth.
Glass doors are easy to maintain. Occasionally clean the inside and outside of the glass with vinegar and water or an orange citrus-based cleaner to remove any residue from gas fires. Never use abrasive cleaners that may leave scratches. Tempered glass is very strong, but scratches weaken their integrity and can lead to breakages. Try to prevent accidental bumps and strikes against the glass, which can also weaken tempered glass.
Fireplace doors are a set of doors installed either withinor in front of the opening of a fireplace. Fireplace doors can serve a numberof aesthetic and functional purposes and are often made of metal surrounds andglass panels.
As the size and shape of open fireplaces can differ betweenhomes, fireplace doors often need to be made to order to be able to fit withinthe opening of a particular fireplace, but many can also be bought as astandard size that will fit within a range of existing fireplace sizes.
However, other types of fireplace appliances that canbe inserted into open masonry fireplaces such as wood burning inserts or woodburning stoves will have a set of doors already integrated onto the front ofthem.
The purpose of glass doors on a fireplace is to provide amore aesthetically pleasing fireplace where the firebox can be partially hiddenaway, and to help prevent cold drafts from coming into the room through thefireplace when not in use.
It can be possible to retrofit glass doors onto anexisting masonry fireplace but may not be possible for pre-fab fireplaces.Glass fireplace doors can either be bought in standard sizes and adjusted tosuit a fireplace or custom made to fit the exact dimensions of a fireplaceopening.
Fireplace doors are typically made of a metal surround, commonlysteel but can also be heavy duty iron, brass or aluminium, and with one of moretempered glass panels positioned within the metal frame.
Fireplace doors are commonly made from tempered glass,but some may be made from ceramic glass. Check with the manufacturer or sellerof fireplace doors to confirm which type of glass is used in a specific set ofdoors.
Ceramic glass is used widely in wood burning stovesbecause of its better heat resistant properties compared to tempered glass.Wood stove doors need to be closed during fires for stoves to work efficientlyand so the glass needs to be able to withstand the increased heat from thefires in closer proximity.
The two main types of fireplaces doors are those thatcome as a standard size to fit a fireplace within a certain range of dimensionsand those that are custom made. Sub-types of fireplaces doors include cabinetand bi-fold doors.
This includes the type of door you want to see onyour fireplace. Within the two main types of fireplace doors you can choose howyou want your doors to open, and these options can include:
These standard sets of glass fireplace doors come preparedable to fit a certain range of fireplace sizes in between a particulardimension range for height and width of a masonry fireplace opening.
These types of doors are the most common to find online. Asthey are pre-constructed to fit certain fireplaces sizes you simply need tofind one that you like and that will be able to fit your particular fireplace.
Before ordering a custom set of fireplace doors you wouldneed to measure the exact dimensions of your fireplace. You would thenstate these dimensions when placing an order for any custom-made fireplacedoors.
Many custom sets of fireplace doors are designed to sitwithin fireplace opening and flush with the face of the fireplace. This isdifferent to standard sized doors which sit over the sides of the fireplace.
Standard cabinet-style fireplace doors have two doors with handles in the center of the unit that open the doors outwards to the side, or may consist of just one door with one handle at one end.
Bi-fold fireplace doors fold out to the side likestandard doors but these in turn can fold again. Bi-fold doors can also befound as either tracked or trackless versions where the doors slidealong the fireplace door frame or can be pulled out respectively.
Glass fireplace doors should always remain open duringfires to allow for sufficient airflow unless otherwise stated by themanufacturer of the doors. Fireplace doors can be closed between fires to helpprevent heat loss from a home.
Standard size glass fireplace doors will have a range ofsizes that can fit almost any masonry wood burning fireplace by using anoverlap fit. Custom-made fireplace doors will only be able to fit the exactfireplace it was designed for. 781b155fdc