Virtual Engine Room 4.8 !!TOP!! Free Download Full Version
Virtual Engine Room is a PC-based full mission engine room simulator. It helps you to learn the typical ship's engine room operating routines. It comes with standardized assessment consisting of 14 STCW compatible tests. These tests provide an independent and fully automated trainee evaluation.
The control panels include very realistic, animated virtual controls like switches, gauges and lamps. The control panels imitate the most important parts of the control room equipment.
SERS User Manual Volume II (Engine Room Operations) includes the operational instructions on how to operate the engine room systems and machinery using the SERS. The training institutions can directly use the contents of this manual in their training procedures. There are also exercises included for use by the trainees for their own exercises and reporting.
SERS Philosophy Document provides how SERS may be used in a curricula or in engine room simulator training programs. It provides guides for selecting the configuration of the SERS according to the training objectives.
SERSTM is a certified, advanced, and Full Mission engine room simulator that can be used in both laboratory and distributed team environment training.Click to read more about SERSTM.
Virtual Engine Room conventional engine simulator can also be supplied with a single desktop hardware console (ERC 6) or a full-size control console and matching cabinets on which to position a further two PCs.
In this study, we evaluated the acceptability, content validity, and certain aspects of construct validity of a simulation engine prototype called the SimPraxis (Red Llama, Inc, Seattle, WA, USA). The SimPraxis is a novel, computer-based cognitive trainer for performing complex medical procedures. Our research questions were developed with the purpose of the trainer in mind, ie, to prepare surgeons and medical students in training for the cognitive aspects needed to perform surgery in the operating room. More specifically, it attempts to improve the cognitive preparation process taken from an atlas standard by providing the opportunity for the user to interact with videos of real structures and instruments and to practice decision-making under the supervision of a virtual mentor. The prototype was designed to teach a complex open procedure known as pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND), which is the first series of steps during a retropubic radical prostatectomy.
The SimPraxis simulator was determined to be an acceptable training tool for the PLND procedure. This platform is best suited to training medical students and residents to help them quickly acquire the cognitive knowledge required to perform the procedure in order to prepare them better for learning in the operating room. Although experts did not think the simulator would be useful for maintenance of their own skills, they did think it would be useful for training with their assistants in the procedure prior to doing cases in the operating room. This is somewhat expected, because experts who perform PLND frequently may not need to review the steps of the procedure, but may benefit from working with an assistant who was trained on the procedure using this tool. Experts showed their acceptance of the simulator as a new tool of training by ranking the usefulness of the SimPraxis PLND platform higher than that of the gold standard independent study medium for surgery, ie, video. This is in agreement with the educational literature that provides evidence for the superior training effect of interactive over passive learning tools.21 Given the economic and technological feasibility of interactive engines such as this, and considering the large volume of resources devoted by medical governing bodies towards passive video media, consideration should be given to directing resources toward interactive training engines. 153554b96e