Strength Training Anatomy 3rd Edition
Increase strength, build mass, burn fat, and define your muscles. With full-color anatomical illustrations, step-by-step instructions, and training advice, Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy is the authoritative resource for sculpting your physique without free weights, machines, or expensive equipment.
One of my favorite aspects of this book is that it also talks about common injuries related to strength training and the best ways to prevent/reduce the risk and how to treat them. This book provides you with the tools to have a completely different full body strength training routine each time you workout, whether that be at home or at the gym.
Research continues to support the benefits of Strength Training for those with weight loss goals. Even though a Strength Training workout typically does not burn as many calories per session as a Cardiovascular-workout does, the long term benefits from strength training ultimately have longer lasting calorie burn benefits. The physiological changes that take place as a result of strength training are an increase in muscle mass. Muscle mass takes more energy to maintain than fat mass does. Muscle tissue burns about 9 times the amount of calories that fat tissue does, which means that more muscle = a faster metabolism.
French journalist and anatomical illustrator Frédéric Delavier has changed the way millions of people view strength exercises with Strength Training Anatomy (Human Kinetics, 2010), and now, in a new third edition, he adds stretches for each of the major muscle groups.
With more than 600 illustrations, Strength Training Anatomy, 3E is widely considered the most compelling artwork ever applied to a strength training resource. While the illustrations showcase muscles, they also delineate how the muscles react with surrounding joints, bones and connective tissues. The book features 127 exercises for arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, buttocks and abdominals.
Over 1 million copies sold! With new exercises, additional stretches, and more of Frédéric Delavier's signature illustrations, you'll gain a whole new understanding of how muscles perform during strength exercises. This one-of-a-kind best-seller combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with the best of strength training advice.
Like having an X-ray for each exercise, the anatomical depictions show both superficial and deep layers and detail how various setup positions affect muscle recruitment and emphasize underlying structures. New pages show common strength training injuries in a fascinating light and offer precautions to help you exercise safely.
Author and illustrator Frédéric Delavier is the former editor in chief of the French publication PowerMag. He is a journalist for Le Monde du Muscle and a contributor to Men's Health Germany and several other strength training publications.
"In Functional Training Anatomy, noted strength and conditioning specialists Kevin Carr and Mary Kate Feit cut through the clutter and misconceptions about functional training and cover all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient program that provides the strength, stability, and mobility you need to support your body in life and in sports. Functional Training Anatomy incorporates traditional and nontraditional exercises and mobility drills that will help you increase functional strength and reduce injury so your body is prepared to support the demands of athletic performance and daily living."
"Kinetic Anatomy, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, gives students a firm concept of musculoskeletal anatomy by systematically assembling each component of the human body. Layer by layer, readers will study bones, ligaments, joints, and muscles as well as the nerves and blood vessels that supply these muscles that are essential for movement.With full-color visual aids and activities that invite readers to apply their understanding of structural anatomy to their own lives, the fourth edition is ideally suited for students studying physical activity because it explores how the structural anatomy of the human body facilitates movement."
"Anatomy is the branch of biology that studies the physical structure of organisms and their parts. An ancient art, anatomy has developed greatly through the years, with more recent innovations such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound technology advancing scientists and medical professionals' understanding of the basic structure of humans and other animals. This edition includes 172 entries arranged in A to Z order to help make finding a topic of interest easy."
Adults should perform strength training exercises at least 2 days a week, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Functional strength training specifically can help keep your body strong and help you go about your life with more ease and stability (think: carrying more groceries in from the car in one go, climbing the stairs to your apartment without feeling winded or picking your kids up without back pain).
For some functional strength training ideas, we spoke with TJ Mentus, certified personal trainer and Garage Gym Reviews expert panelist. Here, he shares his top 5 functional strength training exercises. 2b1af7f3a8