St Dupont Pen Serial Number Search
There is one for sale on eBay even as I write (#252102191322), and the seller even sent me personally a picture of the serial number on the pen's clip. The photograph is not good enough for me to decipher what that number is, but I do notice that it's engraved not at the top of the clip but at the bottom!
There is a way to find out if you are buying an original accessory, and S. T. DUPONT serial numbers will help you with that. Look at the bottom of the lighter, if the serial numbers are written unevenly and not perfectly positioned, then the lighter is authentic and hand-stamped. It is not considered an original S.T. Dupont if serial numbers are evenly spaced and perfectly arranged.
A few of my ST Duponts, and one vintage Dunhill Rollagas, thrown in for good measure.Please excuse the crappy focusing & generally bad video quality.All my lighters are genuine items. There are many fakes around. The ST Dupont models are copied widely, especially the Ligne 2. Some fakes are very convincing and need close scrutiny, but there are easy to spot signs to look out for. Fake serial numbers: one widely-used is 4FK12J8. Anything with ' 4FK ' in the serial is fake.
This isn't the only number/letter combination used; most fake serials are machine-stamped with perfectly-aligned letters/numbers rather than the irregular, unique hand-stamp on each genuine ST Dupont.Any limited edition ST Dupont will have a serial stating that item's number in the run, e.g. 1006 / 2500 and if you see an ordinary stamp on any limited edition item, it's a fake.If it says ' laque de chine ' it stands to reason the item should have some Chinese lacquer on it and not be plain gold or silver. If you do a search for Dupont replica sites, many examples of fakes can be found.
This isnt thé only numberletter cómbination used; most faké serials are machiné-stamped with perfectIy-aligned lettersnumbers rathér than the irreguIar, unique hand-stámp on each génuine ST Dupont.
This pen comes with one blue ink cartridge and an ink converter should you wish to use bottled ink and is presented in an elegant piano lacquer wooden S.T. Dupont casket with a brass plaque inside showing the items serial number.
All Montblanc fineliner pens are provided with their own serial number that has been engraved onto the metal ring above the pen clip. You will also receive a 2-year international guarantee booklet that's has been filled out with your new fineliner pens serial number, identification code and date of purchase. 2b1af7f3a8