Spacecraft Attitude Determination And Control Wertz Pdf Download
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This section starts with a discussion of the attitude determination and control problem from the perspective of trajectory analysis. The attitude determination and control problem is formulated in terms of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of spacecraft motion. The ODEs and the relationship of the actual attitude of the spacecraft to the attitude of the orbit are shown. An overview of the basic concepts of the attitude determination and control problem is presented in this section. It is assumed that the attitude control system is passive, and that the attitude error is regarded as a disturbance.
The fundamental concepts of attitude determination and control are introduced in this section using a simple mathematical formulation. This formulation is based on a mathematical model that has been developed to determine the effects of attitude control on orbit manoeuvre performance. The equations for the model are formulated in a general mathematical form. The equations are shown to be valid for a spacecraft in low-Earth orbit. The formulation provides the fundamental equations and methods of spacecraft attitude determination and control in a simple form. This section is essential to the understanding of the later chapters of the text.
Several empirical algorithms for spacecraft attitude determination have been developed over the years. The most common of these algorithms include the hard-constrained algorithm, the soft-constrained algorithm, and the Kalman filter. These algorithms, however, have been developed for different applications, and it is difficult to obtain a general understanding of their difference from the perspective of attitude determination theory. This difficulty may lead to confusion in selecting and applying algorithms in actual spacecraft attitude determination and control.
Data from various sources are used in this section to validate the results of attitude data calibration and characterisation. Data from GPS receivers, which are calibrated and characterised using the existing method, are used to cross-check the performance of the attitude determination and control system developed in this study.
>= 0.9 & ext{QDLAT} < 0.1 ext{.}) We also provide the calibration and characterisation results of the attitude data from other sources, including JPL, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), and other sources. Calibration and characterisation results of the attitude data are used to confirm the validity of the approach applied in the GRACE-FO section. The approach applied in this section is consistent with the existing literature.
The calibration and characterisation works were performed on the individual satellite data and monthly and annual data subsets. We used the same techniques and tools as applied by Olsen et al. (2020) and Dierick et al. (2020). Recently, we applied the same techniques and tools to the GRACE data where the GRACE-FO satellite flies within the same orbit as the GRACE-D mission in the L1b data, and the GRACE-FO magnetometer data were pre-calibrated and characterised to satisfy the attitude control with AOCS. 827ec27edc