SouthWest FL Script
Most students (exceptions include international, bachelor's, and dual enrollment students) will be accepted after we receive their high school transcript and application. If you do not receive your acceptance email within 3 weeks of submitting your transcript, please contact your Admissions Counselor to check the status of your application.
Transcripts can take 10 - 14 business days to be fully processed (5 - 7 business days for delivery and 5 - 7 business days for processing). There may be an additional slight delay before high school appears as completed in your financial aid checklist.
If you have received your acceptance email from FSW and can login to your FSW Student Portal, we have received your high school transcript, home school completion verification, or GED. If you were accepted to FSW before you graduated high school, see the important information below about how to get your official transcript to FSW.
If you were accepted to FSW before you graduated high school, we accepted you based on an unofficial, in-progress transcript. An official transcript* with your graduation date will be required to receive financial aid and to register in classes beyond your first semester at FSW.
Official transcripts are transcripts submitted directly to the FSW Office of Admissions from your school electronically via an approved method (e.g. FASTER, Parchment, etc.) or delivered to the FSW Office of Admissions (by hand or mail) in an official, sealed envelope.
A creative writer in his spare time, Pich has worked on short stories and movie scripts including a story about his early life in Cambodia, including parts about the Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields and the French and American occupations. Pich said he has tentatively titled it Once Upon a Time in Cambodia.
AFF is a nonprofit and as such, volunteerism is a significant part of our ability to fulfill our mission. Our team of readers are an integral group who volunteer their time each year to help launch the careers of many aspiring writers. Our readers are recruited through referrals from individuals closely associated with AFF, MFA programs, and writers groups throughout the country. Each reader undergoes a rigorous screening process. Once approved, readers are given strict guidelines and closely monitored throughout the duration of their participation. All readers are required to provide constructive notes for each script. Most importantly, they are also required to read each script in its entirety in order to give the full consideration that each writer deserves.
Drama Screenplay Award presented by Writers Guild of America, EastThe category is open but not limited to feature drama scripts in genres such as historical, western, family, romance, horror, thriller, etc.
Enderby Entertainment AwardThe Enderby Entertainment Award category is open to feature scripts in all genres with an original concept and distinctive voice that can be independently produced under $10 million. Co-founded by Rick Dugdale and Daniel Petrie, Jr. (Beverly Hills Cop, The Big Easy), the production company acquired the 2008 AFF Finalist script Stranded (now titled Dawn Patrol) which premiered at the 2014 Festival starring Scott Eastwood and Rita Wilson.
Those coverage readers put scripts into the right hands, using an industry method so consistent you can give your own script a significant head start by applying their evaluation and rewrite techniques before sending your work into the world. The Austin Film Festival Coverage Program gives you that strategy and helps you to implement it.
A transcript is a complete representation of a student's academic record, including coursework, grades, and degrees earned. There are two types of transcripts: The official transcript, which is required for admissions, and the unofficial transcript, which contains the same information but is generally not considered endorsed. NSU issues and accepts official transcripts in both paper and electronic formats. For instructions on how to order official transcripts, please see below.
Electronic Transcripts: For NSU to consider an electronic transcript official, it must be received from a reputable third-party delivery agent. NSU accepts electronic transcripts from the following providers:
Students can view/print an unofficial transcript at their convenience, 24/7, through SharkLink. After entering your SharkLink ID and Password, click on the Grades & Transcripts tab and select \"View Transcripts\" in the Unofficial Transcript section. Alumni select the Alumni page from the navigation bar in SharkLink.
Enter information where you would like your transcript(s) to be sent. You can search for your destination by institution name, acronym, location, or email. you can also select to have the transcript(s) sent to yourself, another individual, or a third party by selecting the blue hyperlink under the search box. 781b155fdc