Sophocles 2007 With Permanent FiX Full Version
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A different view of rights holds that when a person appeals topolitical participation rights to defend her disobedience, she doesnot necessarily criticize the law for outlawing her action. Lefkowitzmaintains that members of minorities can appreciate that democraticdiscussions often must be cut short so that decisions may be taken,and those who engage in civil disobedience may view current policy asthe best compromise between the need to act and the need toaccommodate continued debate. Nonetheless, they also can point outthat, with greater resources or further time for debate, their viewmight have held sway. Given this possibility, the right to politicalparticipation must include a right to continue to contest the resultafter the votes are counted or the decisions taken. And this rightshould include suitably constrained civil disobedience because thebest conception of political participation rights is one that reducesas much as possible the impact that luck has on the popularity of aview (Lefkowitz 2007; see also Smith 2013, ch. 4; Ceva 2015). 153554b96e