Settlers 3 Gold Edition Serial Number 13
Settlers 3 Gold Edition Serial Number 13 ->>->>->>
Textual Records: Railroad mortgages, 1886-1938. Register ofmining entries, 1875-1907. Federal reimbursements for taxrevenues lost by counties in Oregon and California when railroadland grant titles were revested in the United States, 1916-31.Valuation of Indian lands acquired by the United States, 1864-1908. Records of the Board of Commissioners for the Hot Springs,AR, Reservation, 1877-79. Correspondence concerning Alabamaselections under the May 23, 1928, Muscle Shoals Grant, 1915-28.Records relating to the Kaweah Cooperative Colony of California,1934-35. Annual grazing statistical reports, 1938-69. Records relating to GLO work relief programs, 1933-45. Records of Thomas C. Havel, acting commissioner, consisting of office files, 1924-48; and budget files, 1942-48. Organizational files of headquarters field offices, 1946-80. Records relating to theFederal lands inventory project, 1938-42. School land grantstatus and use cards, 1806-1933. Presidential Proclamationsand Executive Orders affecting Alaska, 1907-15. Manuscriptland classification map volumes, 1906-26. Exhibit materialsrelating to litigation cases, 1887-1917. Case files for landsacquired from cancelled loans, 1934-58. District land officeserial number registers, 1908-50. Schedules of allowances, 1912-40. Contest docket binders, 1907-32. Abstracts ofcollections for desert lands, 1909-12. Forest and range fire controlrecords, 1942-53. Records relating to the organization and function of the Records Improvement Project (RIP), 1955-64. Records of the Office of Legislation and Regulatory Management, consisting of House, Senate, and Joint Resolution bills and other records of the 86th-97th Congresses relating to land management, 1959-81; and records concerning proposed rules and regulations relating to federal land policy, 1971-81. Records of the Branch of Organization and Management, consisting of records relating to organization and management, 1946-62. Records of the Division of Environmental and Planning Coordination, consisting of program planning records, 1954-65. Records of the Office of the Budget, consisting of budget estimates, 1971-78.
Textual Records: Letters sent relating to lands granted forrailroads, canals, and reservoirs, 1856-1908. Dockets relatingchiefly to contests concerning railroad land grants thatconflicted with private entries, 1867-1909. \"Selection\" and\"adjustment\" lists reflecting selection of land for railroads andwagon roads, 1829-1935. \"Canal and reservoir grants,\" 1891-1929,with an index, relating to lands granted for irrigation purposesunder the Canal and Ditch Companies Right of Way Act (26 Stat.1095), March 3, 1891. Records (\"Railroad Rights-of-way Files\"),1878-1931, concerning rights-of-way granted railroads acrosspublic lands under the Railways Right of Way Act (18 Stat. 482),March 3, 1875. Ledger of deposits by railroad companies to reimburse the United States for the cost of surveying lands, 1880-1939. Records relating to rights-of-way for railroadsand highways across Indian reservations, 1908-45; and to rights-of-way across forest reserves, 1908-39. Records relating toreclamation projects on public lands (\"Reclamation ProjectFiles\"), 1901-50. New Mexico right-of-way serial numbercase files, 1956-64.
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records of the RegionalOffice, Region 2, including general correspondence, 1947-51;Manzanar and Tule Lake Relocation Center disposal files, 1945-48;records relating to the court case, U.S. v. U.S. Borax Company,1942-47; records of the Regional Cadastral Engineer, includingindex to field notes of surveys of Mount Diablo, San Bernardino,and Humboldt Meridians, 1906-50; register of appointment of U.S.mineral surveyors, 1906-50; and register of certificates ofdeposit for mineral surveys, 1915-51. Records absorbed by theRegion 2 Land Planning Division from the San Francisco office ofthe GLO Field Examination Branch (1942-46) and its predecessorsin the GLO Field Service (1909-32) and Division ofInvestigations, Department of the Interior (1933-42), includinggeneral correspondence, 1933-45; investigative case files, 1927-45, with index (57 ft.); railroad selection (clear) lists, 1866-1945; general administrative files, 1917-40; records relating toevaluation and administration of the Taylor Grazing Act, 1928-41;and schedules of various land office serial case numbers forconversion to Sacramento and Los Angeles land office casenumbers, 1924-36. Records of the Nevada Land and Survey Office,Region 2 (Reno, NV), including records of land entry serialnumbers, 1948-54; records of patents, 1913-53; and mineral surveycertificates of deposit, 1912-48.
The first Collections for a History of Staffordshire volume was published in 1880. A second series began in 1898, a third (numbered only by the year) in 1910, and a fourth in 1955. The fourth series is still ongoing. No issue or contribution copyright renewals were found for this serial. (More details)
Unfortunately, as good as this all sounds, Settlers III has a slew of glaring problems which mar an otherwise brilliant game. For starters, you can't load a saved game while you are in a campaign. You have to quit the game you're playing, exit to the menu screen and load your game from there. What the hell is that all about Did the designers think that this would encourage people not to reload their game when something went horribly wrong All it serves to do is waste time. The quirky disc swaps make this problem even worse as you are often prompted to insert a different disc when you go back to the main menu from the campaign you are playing. Also, like so many other games in this genre, Settlers III basically comes down to micro-management of resources. Instead of offering up a really unique playing experience, Settlers III thrusts you in the role of 'Slider King' as you are constantly changing resource allocation to get the perfect mix of efficiency and speed. You don't have any real control over your individual units and you can't physically direct settlers from one building to another. It reminds me a lot of Colonization. It's a great game, but you spend most of your time cycling through each and every building to check production. I also ran into some problems with the AI, both with my units and the enemy units. Often times enemy soldiers will wait at your border and not enter your territory, so you can take them out with bowmen from afar. And your own troops will wander off to conquer enemy buildings if you don't continually tell them to hold their positions when you're in enemy territory. Plus, half the group will often totally ignore your orders and attack an enemy tower that you didn't want them to get anywhere near. This often causes you to lose a number of units to sheer interface stupidity. Perhaps my biggest problem with Settlers III, though, is the lack of a decent printed manual. The online guide is fantastic and outlines every feature of the game, but you can't access it when you're playing the game and it's nice to have a reference that will tell you what every resource affects when you're playing a game this complex. 153554b96e