Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 X64 Iso 84
The patient's physical examination and portable spirometric measurementswere performed. The patient demonstrated a mild degree of bilateralbaseline pulmonary impairment, with the following pulmonary function testresults: FEV1: 1.60 L (54% predicted); FVC: 2.06 L (63% predicted);FEV1/FVC: 53.9% predicted; and total lung capacity: 6.63 L (87%predicted).
The patient was prescribed systemic corticosteroids for a possiblechemical-induced lung injury. He returned to his usual activity but notedincreasing bilateral anterior chest pain. His home medications included albuterol, Loratadine, Azelastine/Hydrocortisone, and Fluticasone.
He was subsequently referred to the Wilford Hall Medical Center PulmonaryClinic for a pulmonary functional evaluation. His exercise-induced,heart-rate-response, and spirometry were performed. The patient was afraid of walking on the treadmill, but we did not need to use the treadmill. He was able to complete the test without any symptoms other than slight mild throat irritation. He did not report anyexacerbation of chest pain and his baseline respiratory rate and heart ratewere normal. His spirometry measurements were repeated (see table listedbelow). d2c66b5586