Prince William County Zip Code List
The FIP code for Prince William county is 51153. The Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS 6-4) is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standards code which uniquely identified counties and county equivalents in the United States, certain U.S. possessions, and certain freely associated states.
Most of the locations listed below are counties. The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) geographic codes consist of a two-digit State and three-digit county identifier. These geographic codes are derived from the Worldwide Geographic Location Codes (external link), 1993. The only exceptions to the use of State/county codes in the locations listed below are -
Prince William County makes up approximately 2.74% of the total land area for Virginia and we have 56 zip codes for the county in our database, which you can see details of below, with land area information for each zip code.
Below are a list of the cities located in Prince William County, VA. There are 21 total unique zip codes in Prince William County, Virginia. The time zone for Prince William County is the Time zone and they follow daylight savings time. The Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) Code for Prince William County, VA is 51153.
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