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However, thinking of bipolar RS232 was already crap in 2009 because nearly no contemporary machine had the negative voltage for that standard. Disadvantages were low speed, large voltage swing, short transmission distance, bipolar power supply needed).It was phased out in 2002 in the EU, also because of ground loop problems and often destroying EMF spikes, it was replaced by current loop transmission using optocouplers (at least in the EU industry).Probably voting machines in the US still have RS232, or the OPM?
However, thinking of bipolar RS232 was already crap in 2009 because nearly no contemporary machine had the negative voltage for that standard. Disadvantages were low speed, large voltage swing, short transmission distance, bipolar power supply needed).It was phased out in 2002 in the EU, also because of ground loop problems and often destroying EMF spikes, it was replaced by current loop transmission using optocouplers (at least in the EU industry).Probably voting machines in the US still have RS232, or the OPM?Or maybe the PS2 you got? ;-) d2c66b5586