Mix Lab 3.1 Skin NEW! Download
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Analysis performed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).Elevated results may be due to skin or collection-related contamination, including the use of a noncertified lead-free tube. If contamination concerns exist due to elevated levels of blood lead, confirmation with a second specimen collected in a certified lead-free tube is recommended.Information sources for blood lead reference intervals and interpretive comments include the CDC's \"Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: Recommended Actions Based on Blood Lead Level\" and the \"Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance: Reference Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) for Adults in the U.S.\" Thresholds and time intervals for retesting, medical evaluation, and response vary by state and regulatory body. Contact your State Department of Health and/or applicable regulatory agency for specific guidance on medical management recommendations.
Adult male: head 20% wider than long; snout rounded in profile, nearly rounded in dorsal view; canthus rostralis curved; loreal region concave; nostrils ovoid; internarial region grooved. Supratympanic fold distinct, from posterior corner of orbit to insertion of forearm; tympanum distinct, almost circular; tympanum diameter 48.5% of eye diameter. Upper eyelid smooth as the dorsum. Thoracic fold just discernible. External vocal sac single, subgular, and expanded. Fingers long, slender, no lateral fringe, bearing discret round terminal discs; relative lengths of fingers I, II, IV, III; similar sized discs on fingers II, III and IV, larger than disc of Finger I. Diameter of disc of Finger III equals to diameter of Toe IV, about 42% eye diameter. Subarticular tubercles well defined, rounded; supernumerary tubercles poorly defined on palm, rounded; inner metacarpal tubercle large, rounded, about four times the size of subarticular tubercles; other metacarpal tubercle barely defined; spine of prepollex absent; no nuptial pads; ulnar crest barely defined. Hand webbing formulae: I-II 2--3- III 2+-2 IV. Tarsal texture smooth; tarsal fold discrete, extending to the entire length of tarsus; heel smooth; inner metatarsal tubercles large, elongate, three times the size of foot subarticular tubercles; outer metatarsal tubercle absent; subarticular tubercles distinct, large, and rounded, diameter about 3/4 width of terminal disc on the same toe; supernumerary tubercles absent; toes long, slender, without lateral fringe; toes bearing rounded discs, smaller in diameter to those of fingers II-IV. Foot webbing formula: I 2+ - 3- II 2+ - 31/2 III 2+ - 4- IV 3+ - 2V. Supra cloacal fold absent. Skin on dorsum smooth; skin on throat, belly, ventral surface of thigh, and arm granular. Dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces almost entirely pale yellow with small dark spots or mottles on dorsal surfaces. Belly pale yellow. Measurements of the holotype (mm): SVL 34.6, HL 10.6, HW 11.4, ED 3.3, TD 2.1, END 3.2, IOD 5.3, THL 18.1, TBL 15.8, and FL 18.4 (Table 2). 153554b96e