List Of Boarding Schools In Harare Zimbabwe __FULL__
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This is the list of the top ten boarding schools in Zimbabwe ranked on the pass rate from the November 2019 exams. The pass rate takes into account the number of candidates who would have passed at least 5 subjects with a C or better versus the total number of candidates at that boarding school.
Topping this list of the best boarding schools in Zimbabwe is Jonh Tallach high school in Matebeleland. The affordable school has simple structures but it continues to produce great results year after year.
The second on this list is another mission boarding school. Pamushana High school is located in Bikita in Masvingo province. The school has a glittering history of excellence both in academics and sports.
Zrp high school is the only school that is not run by a church on this list of the top ten boarding schools in Zimbabwe. The school is run by the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Zrp High School posted impressive results in its very first O-level examinations and it has never looked back since.
The boys-only boarding school located in the beautiful Nyanga area is synonymous with outstanding performances both in academics and in sports. It is one of the three Marist schools in Zimbabwe. The others are Kutama College & Marist Dete.
Closing this list of the top ten boarding schools in Zimbabwe is Regina Mundi High school. The Catholic-run school located in Midlands is the second girls-only school on the list after Monte Cassino. The school is a perennial top achiever and has state of the art facilities.
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The Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe(PTUZ) said some boarding schools - several of which cut short the lastterm after running out of food - may have to delay opening because theydid not have food to feed students.
Neither the PTUZ nor the Ministry ofEducation were able to provide statistics of schools, if any, that wereunable to begin lessons yesterday because of a shortage of teachers orboarding schools that had delayed beginning the new term, with the situationexpected to be much clearer during the course of the week. 153554b96e