Jai Ho Torrent
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If there's no mapping for a client certificate to a given virtual host, the plugin will try toextract the client certificate subject's Distinguished Name and look for its wildcard(s). If such a certificate exists, the plugin will use the default virtual host/wildcard mappingamoung all of the ones defined for the configuration.
mqtt_default_vhosts = ["vhost1:*:*:*", "vhost2:*:*:*"] This way, users connecting to port 1883 on both vhost1 and vhost2 will homenetwork and be matched against both wildcards, and users connecting to port 1884 on bothvhosts will receive messages routed through vhost2.
Finally, if neither kind of mapping is possible (for example, it is not possible to lookup a clientcertificate in the vhosts mapping) and there's no vhost config option, the plugin will raise anerror to the caller so he knows what's going on.
If you have an AMQP positive auth plugin to protect MQTT endpoints, you can add it to the pluginsocket factory. This way, the I/O plugin will delegate MQTT auth/login operations to itbefore passing them to the AMQP plugin.
> transport = mqtt > mandatory = 1 > client_id = client_id1 > client_passwd = password1 > transport_url = amqp://localhost/ > rabbitmq_host = localhost > rabbitmq_username = guest > rabbitmq_password = secret > connector_class = org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3. d2c66b5586