Intusoft Magnetics Designer 1999 Free Download ((LINK)) Full Version
Free SIMPLIS Simulation Files: when writing this book on transfer functions, I have extensively used SIMPLIS to confim the results obtained with Mathcad and SPICE were correct. The many hours spent in simulating transfer functions of various converters lead me to aggregate all the circuits in ready-to-simulate templates which, for most of them, can work on the free demonstration versionElements. From simple dc-dc cells to more complex isolated converters operated in current- or voltage-mode control and controlled in fixed frequency, phase shift, COT, FOT and so on, you will find in these files converters that are fully compensated with an automated macro for computing type 2 or 3 compensation parameters. The description PDF ishere while a ZIP of all the converters ishere.
Starting with Elements:Elements is the free demonstration version from SIMPLIS and lets you simulate many circuits including isolated switching converters. You can also download theversion including notes where you can read the comments going along with the slides. A good companion for mylast book on transfer functions! 2b1af7f3a8