Icml 2020 Latex Template
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The Church has re-echoed many times and in many of her ordinary Magisterial documents, the same answer to these questions. It has done so in those which dealt with the norm of liberty in marriage.
We do not know of any doctrinal teaching on the treatment of the cases, as and when they may arise, in which the conscience of the parties does not find it feasible to live the commandments of God.
Married love demands, both for its execution and its continuance, the most solemn and joyful fidelity. It demands also that conflicts and disagreements with one's spouse should be resolved with love and freedom, and that, where it cannot be avoided, unreserved acceptance should be given to the verdict of the Church on the amendment of the law. Nothing is more necessary for the well-being of marriage than this reciprocity of sacrifice and affection; nothing is more harmful to it."
The profundity of the truth we are,illustrating these and other questions has already been proved by the Catholic Church. Consequently, from her viewpoint it is a matter of justice to take into due consideration the sentiments of all the faithful who, with their consciences, pace by the Catholic doctrine to which they submit, reject adultery, accuse themselves of acts contrary to the eternal law, and consider such acts to be grave sins.
GB: The issue of divorce and remarriage is quite difficult for me, because, despite my best feelings for my ex-wife, she, as my wife, is the mother of my children. It was, as a Catholic, my obligation to maintain and love her, even if that led to requiring her to leave me. I just don't know how I'm going to deal with this. d2c66b5586