Gemcom Minex Tutorial 3 LINK
tutorialnya sangat lengkap dan informatif. Kalau bingung membaca modulnya, bisa menggunakan alternatif video tutorial yang sudah disediakan. Sangat recommended buat yang mau mendalami software-software tambang. Topppp!!!!
RequirementsThis tutorial assumes that you have a basicknowledge of Surpac Vision. We recommend that you be at leastcomfortable with the procedures and concepts in the IntroductoryGuide to Surpac Vision training manual. If you are a new SurpacVision user, you should go through the Introductory Guide to SurpacVision training manual before going through this manual. You willalso need: To have Surpac Vision v5.2 installed on your computerThe data set accompanying this tutorial Basic knowledge of Surpacstring files and editing tools
ObjectivesThe objective of this tutorial is to allow you to workwith some Surface Modelling tools. It is not intended to beexhaustive in scope, but will show the work flow needed to achieveresults. You can then refine and add to this workflow to meet yourspecific requirements. 1e1e36bf2d