Gams License
Gams License
The following discounts apply: 30% discount on the original price for the second copy, and 50% discount for the third and following copies of the same modules. Discounts apply as long as the other license(s) are under maintenance, and the additional licenses run on the same type of platform as the original system.
The software is available for download on the GAMS web site. The license file is delivered via email. The software includes the documentation in electronic form. All prices are stated in US Dollars and do not include applicable taxes and tariffs. We follow the policies and regulations of the Bureau of Industry and Security.
The license issue causes problems in all cases where the GAMS solvers have been included from both the GAMS base and the GAMS solver modules . Since the open solvers only provide information in the course of the call and then return, they may not check the license for a detailed description of the support terms. In some cases, a more detailed interpretation of the license may be made.In order to guarantee compatibility of the open solvers to the commercial GAMS solvers, it is necessary to include the full text information and terms of use of the solver under a license for which the user has appropriate authorization. d2c66b5586