Emperor Rise Of The Middle Kingdom Crack - English !!EXCLUSIVE!!
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The importance of German unification to much of the world came to a head in June 1866. In the summer, William was ordered to restore Prussia's position as a major European power. Believing that he was now in the position of a constitutional emperor, Wilhelm ordered a general elections, which resulted in the Prussian Assembly, the German Assembly, and the Confederation of the Rhine passing resolutions to send delegations to France, Switzerland, and Belgium to "gather information" about how these countries operated. The French and Swiss refused to open their borders to the Prussian emissaries. Talks in 1867 ultimately led to the Congress of Berlin where the great powers of Europe agreed on a comprehensive solution to the longstanding problems of the German states; the Congress also drew up a plan for the establishment of a German nation-state, the German Empire, and Wilhelm got the chance to be present at what was announced as a "Prussian Festival of Nations" where the new German Empire was to be established.
This method of state building, while it was promoted by the Prussian government, was not a constitutional restoration that reinstated the Hohenzollern dynasty to its former pre-Napoleonic glory but an attempt to centralise the power of the Prussian state and to create an empire based on Prussia.
The businesslike concept of the Congress of Berlin was spoilt by its workings which were more about unity between the German states as a whole than about the unification of a German state. Many states gained from unification, however, and so Wilhelm now has his first opportunity to exercise his powers, and, propelled by his desire for increased political authority, the emperor rules decisively. He imposes the new Bundesreform (Federal Reform), which provides for a common budget and the establishment of a federal army. The emperor also divides the states of Prussia into provinces, each with its own civil governor and metropolitan, as well as the Confederation of the Rhine into 83 smaller States, each with its own federal council. The emperor, freed of the seemingly incompatible positions taken by Bismarck in 1848, now is finally able to identify unambiguously the interests of Prussia and the Empire. d2c66b5586