Code Of Honor Movie Free VERIFIED Download In Italian
He kills the pimp. Then he dismembers the body, which is a very large one, and ships it to various Italian cities in bulky suitcases. He is brought to trial, found insane and sent to an asylum. On his way, he meets a fellow prisoner. He boasts of himself: \"The ax-murderer. The Monster of Naples.\" Any status is welcome. He spends a great deal of time admiringhimself in the mirror and striking dashing poses.He's eventually released from the asylum in order to serve in the Italian army, and it's in this material that the movie takes its weird and unexpected turn. The prewar material seems vaguely related toWertmuller's \"The Seduction of Mimi,\" in which the hypocrisy of the Italian male sexual code ischeerfully ridiculed. But \"Seven Beauties,\" despite some very funny scenes, is not a cheerful movie. It's a dark, brooding piece about the ways people arewilling to debase themselves, and Pasqualino, for all of his honor, is a worm. He finds himself in a Nazi concentration camp. The commandant is a very large, plain, forbidding woman. She carries a whip as if it were her handbag.
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