Britten Turn Of The Screw Pdf Free
(The action takes place in andaround Bly a country-house inthe East of England, in the middleof the last century. The line 'Theceremony of innocence is drowned'is taken from a poem by W. B. Yeats.The songs, 'Tom, Tom, the Piper'sSon' and 'Lavender's Blue' aretraditional nursery rhymes. TheLatin words used in Act One,Scene 6, are schoolboy's rhyminggrammatical rules)ACT ONEPrologue(The Prologue is discovered in frontof a drop curtain.)It is a curious story. I have it written infaded ink - a woman's hand, governessto two children - long ago.Untried, innocent, she had gone first tosee their guardian in London; a youngman, bold, offhand and gay, thechildren's only relative.The children were in the country withan old housekeeper. There had been agoverness, but she had gone. The boy,of course, was at school, but there wasthe girl, and the holidays, now begun.This then would be her task. But therewas one condition: he was so muchengaged; affairs, travel, friends, visits,always something, no time at all forthe poor little thingsShe was to do everything, be responsiblefor everything, not to worry him at all,no, not to write, but to be silent, anddo her best. She was full of doubts. Butshe was carried away: that he, so gallantand handsome, so deep in the busyworld, should need her help.At last \"I will\", she said.(The lights fade and the drop curtainrises in darkness.)ThemeScene 1 - The Journey(The lights go up on the interior of acoach. The Governess is in travellingdress.)GOVERNESSNearly there.Very soon I shall know,I shall know what's in store for me.Who will greet meThe children ... the children.Will they be cleverWill they like mePoor babies, no father, no mother.But I shall love them as I love my own,All my dear ones left at home,so far away - and so different.If things go wrong, what shall I doWho can I ask,with none of my kind to talk toOnly the old housekeeper,how will she welcome meI must not write to their guardian,that is the hardest part of all.Whatever happens, it is I, I must decide.A strange world for a stranger's sake.O why did I comeNo! I've said I will do it,and for him I will.There's nothing to fear.What could go wrongBe brave, be brave.We're nearly there.Very soon I shall knowVery soon I shall know.(The lights fade.)Variation IScene 2 - The Welcome(The lights go up on the porch a t Bly.Mrs. Grose, with the children dancingabout.)MILES, FLORAMrs. Grose!Will she be niceMrs. Grose!Will she be crossWhy doesn't she hurryWhy isn't she hereWill she like usShall we like herMrs. GROSEQuiet, children!Lord! How you do tease!Will she be this, will she be that,a dozen times I do declare.You'll see soon enough.Now quietly, do!(She gives Flora a little good-naturedtidying shake, pats Mile's hair intoplace, smooths down her own apron.)Miss Flora, your pinafore!Master Miles, your hair!Keep still dearie, or you'll wear me out.Now show me how you bow.(Miles bows.)How do you curtsey(Flora curtseys.)Bow!(Miles bows)Curtsey!(Flora curtseys, and they continuebowing and curtseying untilMrs. Grose stops them.)Here she is now.(Enter Governess.)GOVERNESSYou must be Mrs. GroseI'm so happy to see happy to be here.Mrs. GROSE(curtseying)How do you do, Miss.Welcome to Bly!GOVERNESSThis must be FloraAnd Miles(Flora curtseys, Miles bows.)How charming they are,how beautiful too.The house and park are so splendid,far grander than I am used to.I shall feel like a princess here.Bly, I begin to love you.Mrs. GROSEI'm happy,so happy that you've come, Miss.Miss Flora and Master Miles are happy,so happy that you're here too.They're good children,yes, they are, they're good, Miss.They're lively,too lively for an ignorant old woman.They wear me out,indeed they do.My poor head isn't bright enough -the things they think up!I'm far too old a body for games,Miss, far too old,and now they'll do better witha young thing as livelyas they are themselves.Master Miles is wonderful at lessons,and Miss Flora's sharp too.Yes, they're clever -they need their own kind,they're far too clever for me!GOVERNESSBly, I begin to love you.MILES, FLORACome along! Come along! Do!We want to show you the house.We want to show you the park.Don't stay talking here any more.Mrs. GROSEThey'll do better now,they'll do better with a young thing.(Pardon the liberty Miss.)They'll do better now you're here!Quiet, children!Lord! How you do tease.In a trice they'll be dragging youall over the park.GOVERNESSNo, they must show me everything!For Bly is now my home.(The lights fade as the children leadthe Governess off.)Variation IIScene 3 - The Letter(The lights fade in again on the porchat Bly to the side of which more of thehouse is now visible, including a lowwindow)Mrs. GROSE(entering)Miss! Miss!a letter for you.(The Governess comes out of the house.)Here!(the Governess takes the letter andreads it quietly. Aside.)A good young lady, Ill be bound,and a pretty one too.Now all will be well,we were far too long alone!GOVERNESSMrs. Grose!He's dismissed his school.Mrs. GROSEWhoGOVERNESSLittle Miles.Mrs. GROSEMilesGOVERNESSWhat can it mean -never go backMrs. GROSENeverGOVERNESSNever!O, but for that he must be bad!Mrs. GROSEHim badGOVERNESSAn injury to his friends.Mrs. GROSEHim an injury - I won't believe it!GOVERNESS.Tell me, Mrs Grose,have you ever knownMiles to be badMrs. GROSEA boy is no boy for meif he is never wild.But bad, no, no!GOVERNESSI cannot think him really bad, not Miles.Never!Mrs. GROSENever! Not Master Miles.He can be wild, but not bad.(The children are seen at thewindow, quietly playing together)MILES, FLORALavender's blue, diddle, diddle,Lavender's green,When I am King, diddle, diddle,You shall be Queen.Call up your men, diddle, diddle,Set them to work,Some to the plough, diddle, diddle,Some to the cart.Some to make hay, diddle, diddle,Some to cut corn,While you and I, diddle, diddle -GOVERNESS, Mrs. GROSESee how sweetly he plays,and with how gentle a lookhe turns to his sister.Yes! The Child is an angel!it is nonsense - never a word of is all a wicked lie.(The window fades.)Mrs. GROSEWhat shall you do thenGOVERNESSI shall do nothing.Mrs. GROSEAnd what shall you say to himGOVERNESSI shall say nothing.Mrs. GROSEBravo! And I'll stand by you.O miss,may I take the liberty(Mrs Grose kisses her The scenefades.)Variation IIIScene 4 -The Tower(The lights fade in again on the house.The tower is now visible. It is evening.Sweet summer. Enter the Governess,strolling.)GOVERNESSHow beautiful it is.Each day it seems more beautiful to me.And my darling children enchant memore and more.My first foolish fearsare all vanished now,are all banished now -those fluttering fearswhen I could not forget the letter -when I heard a far off cry in the night -and once a faint footstep passedmy door.Only one thing I wish,that I could sea him -and that he could sea how wellI do his bidding.The birds fly home to these great trees,here too I am at home.Alone, tranquil, serene.(Quint becomes visible on the tower)Ha! 'Tis he!(He looks steadily at her then turnsand vanishes.)No! No! Who is itWho Who can it beSome servant -no! I know them all.Who is it whoWho can it beSome curious strangerBut how did he get inWho is it, whoSome fearful madmanlocked away thereAdventurer IntruderWho is it, whoWho can it be(The scene fades.)Variation IVScene 5 - The Window(The lights fade in on the interior ofthe hall at Bly Flora and Miles ridein on a hobby horse.)MILES, FLORATom, Tom, the piper's sonStole a pig and away he run.Pig was eat and Tom was beat,Tom ran howling down the street.MILESNow I'll steal the pigFLORAGo on then, go on!MILES, FLORATom, Tom, the piper's son!Stole a pig and away he run -MILESNow chase me, chase me.FLORAI'll catch you.MILES, FLORAPig was eat and Tom was beat,Tom ran howling down the street.FLORALet's do it again.GOVERNESS(off)Children! Are you readyRun along then.MILES, FLORATom, Tom, the piper's son.(They ride out as the Governesscomes in.)GOVERNESSI'll follow.MILES, FLORA(off)Stole a pig and away he run.(The Governess looks about for amoment, picks up a pair of gloves andis about to go out when she looks upand sees Quint appear suddenly in thewindow. They gaze at each other. Hedisappears. The Governess runs out andlooks through the window as Quinthad done. Mrs. Grose enters as theGoverness rushes back Into the room.)Mrs. GROSEAh! My dear!You look so white and queer.What's ha happenedGOVERNESSI have been frightened.Mrs. GROSEWhat was itGOVERNESSA man looked through the window,a strange man.But I saw him before,on the tower.Mrs. GROSENo one from the villageGOVERNESSNo.Mrs. GROSEA gentleman thenGOVERNESSNo! Indeed no!Mrs. GROSEWhat was he likeGOVERNESSHis hair was red, close-curling,a long, pale face, small eyes.His look was sharp, fixed and strange.He was tall, clean-shaven, yes,even handsome.But a horror!Mrs. GROSEQuint! Peter Quint!Dear God, is there no endto his dreadful waysGOVERNESSPeter Quint - who is thatTell me, Mrs. Grose!Do you know him thenMrs. GROSEDear God!(She weeps.)GOVERNESSMrs. Grose,what has happened here,in this houseMrs. GROSEQuint, Peter Quint,the master's valet.Left here in charge.It was not for me to say,miss, no indeed,I had only to see to the house.But I saw things elsewhere I did not like.When Quint was free with everyone -With little Master Miles -GOVERNESSMilesMrs. GROSEHours they spent together.Yes, miss, he made free with her too -with lovely Miss Jessel,governess to those pets,those angels, those innocent babes -and she a lady, so far above him.Dear God! Is there no end!But he had ways to twist them roundhis little finger.He liked them prettyI can tell you, miss,and he had his will, morning and night.GOVERNESSBut why did you not tell your masterWrite to himSend for him to comeMrs. GROSEI dursn't.He never liked worries.'Twas not my place.They were not in my charge.Quint was too cleverI feared him -feared what he could do.No, Mr. Quint,I did not like your ways!And then she went.She couldn't stay, not then.She went away to die.GOVERNESSTo dieAnd QuintMrs. GROSEHe died too.GOVERNESSDiedMrs. GROSEFell on the icy road -struck his head, laythere till morning, dead!Dear God,is there no end to his dreadful waysGOVERNESSI know nothing of these things.Is this sheltered placethe wicked worldwhere things unspoken of can beMrs. GROSEDear God!GOVERNESSOnly this much I know;things have been done herethat are not good,and have left a taste behind them.That man: impudent, spoiled, depraved.Mrs. Grose, I am afraid, not for me,for Miles.He came to look for Miles,I'm sure of that,and he will come again.Mrs. GROSEI don't understand.GOVERNESSBut I see it now,I must protect the children,I must guard their quiet,and their guardian's too.See that I see, know what I know,that they may see and know nothing.Mrs. GROSELord, Miss!Don't understand a wordof what you say.But I'll stand by you,Lord, Miss,indeed I will.(The lights fade.)Variation VScene 6 - The Lesson(The lights fade in on the schoolroom.The Governess is hearing Miles hisLatin lesson. Flora is \"helping\")MILES, FLORA(echoing)Many nouns it is we findTo the masculine are assigned:Amnis, axis, caulis, collis,Clunis, crinis, fascis, follis,Fustis, ignis, orbis, ensis.Panis, piscis, postis, mensis,Torris, unguis and canalis,Vectis, vermis, and natalis,Sanguis, pulvis, cucumis,Lapis, casses, manes, glis.Many nouns it is we findTo the masculine are assigned:GOVERNESSThat's good, Miles,you've learned that well!Now say for me -FLORA(frisking around)Can't we stop nowLet's do history!Boadicea on her chariot!Look at me!GOVERNESSDon't tease, dear!We must do Miles' Latin.Come now!What else do you rememberNow think.MILES(to himself hesitating)Malo: I would rather beMalo: in an apple-treeMalo: than a naughty boyMalo: in adversity.GOVERNESSWhy, Miles, what a funny song!Did I teach you thatMILESNo, I found it.I like it.Do youMalo, Malo, Malo...(The scene fades.)Variation VIScene 7 - The Lake(The lights fade in on the lake in thepark. A sunny morning. Flora and theGoverness wander in, the Governesswith a book, Flora with a doll.)FLORAO rivers and seas and lakes!Is this lake in my bookGOVERNESSNo dear, it's far too small.FLORASmall It's huge!It's a great wide sea!GOVERNESSThen you must name it.Come Flora,what seas do you knowFLORAAdriatic and Aegean,...GOVERNESSYes!FLORA... Baltic, Bosnian and the Caspian,...GOVERNESSGood!FLORA... Black and Red andWhite and Yellow,...GOVERNESSAndFLORA... Medi-medi-terra-nean!GOVERNESSGo on!FLORAAnd... and... and... the Dead Sea.GOVERNESSAnd this oneFLORAIs the Dead Sea.GOVERNESSOh!FLORAHow can a sea be deadGOVERNESSThey call it deadbecause nothing can live in it.FLORAThen I wouldn't go in it,and neither would Miles.(They settle down, Flora on theground, with her doll, the Governesson a bench, with her book.)Go to sleep, my dolly dear.Go to sleep.GOVERNESSSing to her dear,dolly must sleep whereveryou choose.FLORADolly must sleepwherever I choose.(She rocks her doll.)Today by the dead salt sea,Tomorrow her waxen lids may closeOn the plains of Muscovy.And now likea Queen of the East she lies,With a Turk to guard her bed,But next,when her short-lived daylight dies,She's a shepherdess instead.But sleep dear dolly, O sleep and whenYou are lost in your journeying dreamThe sea may change to a palace again,For nothing shall stay the same...(She goes on rustling and pattingthe doll, pulling the coverlet on,arranging reeds over her head.)That's right, my darling.How good you are.Go to sleep.(She turns round deliberately to facethe audience as Miss Jessel appearsat the other side of the lake. TheGoverness looks up from her readingand sees Miss Jessel who disappears.)GOVERNESS(getting up)Flora! Come along!We must go now, go,and find Miles.MILES(shouting off)Hullo! Where are you, you twoGOVERNESSThere he is!Go to him! Go to him!MILES(off)Hullo!(Flora runs out.)GOVERNESSMiss Jessel!It was Miss Jessel!She returns too, - she too, - she too, -And Flora saw, I know she saw,and said nothing.They are lost! Lost!I neither save nor shield them.I keep nothing from them.O, I am useless, useless.What can I dolt is far worse than I dreamed.They are lost!Lost! Lost!(The scene fades as the Governessgoes out.)Variation VIIScene 8 - At NightQUINT(unseen)Miles!Miles!Miles!(The lights fade in on the front ofthe house and the tower. Quint is onthe tower. Miles in the gardenbelow him in his night things.)MILESI'm here... O I'm here!QUINTI am all things strange and bold,The riderless horse Snorting,stamping on the hard sea sand,The hero-highwaymanplundering the land.I am King Midas with gold in his hand.MILESGold, O yes, gold!QUINTI am the smooth world's double face,Mercury's heels feathered with mischiefand a God's deceit.The brittle blandishment of counterfeit.In me secrets,and half-formed desires meet.MILESSecrets, O secrets!QUINTI am the hidden life that stirsWhen the candle is out;Upstairs and down, the footstepsbarely heard.The unknown gesture, and the soft,persistent word,The long sighing light of thenight-winged bird.MILESBird!QUINTMiles!MILESI'm listening.QUINTMiles!MILESI'm here.QUINTMiles!Miss JESSEL(unseen)Flora!Flora!Come!QUINTMiles!(The lights come up on Flora at thewindow and Miss Jessel by the lake.)FLORAI'm here...O I'm here -Miss JESSELCome!MILESI'm listening, I'm here.QUINTMiles!Miss JESSELTheir dreams and oursCan never be one,They will forsake us.O come to me! Come!FLORATell me, what shall I see thereQUINT(to Miles)What goes on in your head,what questionsAsk, for I answer all.Miss JESSELAll those we have wept for together;Beauty forsaken in the beast's demesne,The little mermaid weeping on the sill,Gerda and Psyche seekingtheir loves again Pandora,with her dreadful box, as well.QUINT(to Miles)What goes on in your dreamsKeep silent!I know, and answer that too.Miss JESSELTheir knowledge and oursCan never be one,They will despise us.O come to me, come!QUINT, Miss JESSELOn the paths, in the woods,on the banks, by the walls,in the long, lush grass,or the winter leaves,fallen leaves, I wait -On the paths, in the woods,on the banks, by the walls,in the long, lush grassor the winter leaves,I shall be there, you must not fail.GOVERNESS(approaching)Miles!Where are youMrs. GROSE(approaching)Flora!Are you thereMiss JESSELFlora!Come to me! -FLORAYes!I shall be there -MILESI shall never fail -QUINTCome!Miles!(The Governess appears in the porch.Mrs. Grose appears in the window.Quint and Miss Jessel disappear.The Governess runs to Miles.)GOVERNESSMrs. Grose!Go to Flora!Mrs. GROSEWhy, whatever's going onMiss Flora out of bed!GOVERNESSMiles!What are you doing here(Mrs. Grose takes Flora away.)MILESYou see, I am bad, I am bad,aren't I(Miles goes into house followed bythe Governess as the lights fade.)ACT IIVariation VIIIScene 1 - Colloquy and Soliloquy(The lights fade in on Quint andMiss Jessel - nowhere.)Miss JESSELWhy did you call mefrom my schoolroom dreamsQUINTI call Not I!You heard the terrible soundof the wild swan's wings.Miss JESSELCruel!Why did you beckon me to your sideQUINTI beckon No, not I!Your beating heart to your ownpassions lied.Miss JESSELBetrayer! Where were youwhen in the abyss I fellQUINTBetrayer No, not I!I waited for the soundof my own last bell.Miss JESSELAnd now what do you seekQUINTI seek a friend.Miss JESSELShe is here!QUINT(laughing)No! - self-deceiver!Miss JESSELAh! Quint, Quint, do you forgetQUINTI seek a friend -Obedient to follow where I lead,slick as a juggler's mateto catch my thought,proud, curious, agile, he shall feedmy mounting power.Then to his bright subservienceI'll expoundthe desperate passionsof a haunted heart,and in that hour\"The ceremonyof innocence is drowned\"Miss JESSELI too must have a soul to share my woe.Despised, betrayed,unwanted she must goforever to my joyless spirit bound,\"The ceremonyof innocence is drowned\"(The Ghosts come together.)QUINT, Miss JESSELDay by day the bars we break,break the love that laps them round,cheat the careful watching eyes,\"The ceremonyof innocence is drowned\"(The lights slowly fade on the Ghostsand fade in on the Governess.)GOVERNESSLost in my labyrinthI see no truth,only the foggy wallsof evil press upon me.Lost in my labyrinthI see no truth.O innocence, you have corrupted me,which way shall I turnI know nothing of evil,yet I feel it, I fear it,worse - imagine it.Lost in my labyrinthwhich way shall I turn(The lights fade.)Variation IXScene 2 - The Bells(The lights fade in on the churchyardwith a table-tomb and an indicationof a church.)MILES, FLORA(chanting off)O sing unto them a new song:Let the congregation praise him.O ye works and days:Bless ye the Lord.(They walk in like choir boys.)O ye rivers and seas and lakes:Bless ye the Lord.O amnis, axis, caulis, collis,clunis, crinis, fascis, follis:Bless ye the Lord.Praise him and magnify him for ever.(The children settle themselves onthe tomb as the Governess and Mrs.Grose enter.)Mrs. GROSEO Miss, a bright morning... to be sure.GOVERNESS(absently)Yes.MILES, FLORAO ye tombstones and trees:Praise him.Mrs. GROSEBright as the Sunday morning bells,how I love the sound.GOVERNESSYes.MILES, FLORAO ye bells and towers:Praise him.Mrs. GROSEAnd the dear children,how sweet they are together.GOVERNESSYes.MILES, FLORAO ye paths and woods:Praise him.O ye frosts and fallen leaves:Praise him.O ye dragons and snakes,worms and feathered fowl:Rejoice in the Lord.Mrs. GROSECome Miss, don't worryIt will pass I'm sure.They're so happy with you.You're so good to them.We all love you, miss.MILES, FLORAO Mrs. Grose, bless ye the Lord:May she never be confounded.GOVERNESS(taking Mrs. Grose aside.)Dear good Mrs. Grose -They are not playing,they are talking horrors.Mrs. GROSEOh! Never!GOVERNESSWhy are they so charmingWhy so unnaturally goodI tell you they are not with us,but with the others.Mrs. GROSEWith Quint - and that womanGOVERNESSWith Quint and that woman.Mrs. GROSEBut what could they doGOVERNESSDo! They could destroy them.Mrs. GROSEMiss! You must write to their uncle.GOVERNESSThat his house is poisoned,the children mad -or that I amI was changed not to worry him.Mrs. GROSEYes. He do hate worry.GOVERNESSI shall never write to him.Can you not feel themround about youThey are here, there, everywhere.And the children are with them,they are not with us.Mrs. GROSECome Miss, don't worry.It will pass I'm sure.They're so happy with you,you're so good to them.We all love you so.Never you mind,well be all right, you'll see.MILES, FLORAO ye paths and woods:Bless ye the Lord.O ye walls and towers:Bless ye the Lord.O ye moon and stars,windows and lakes:Praise him and magnify him for ever.Mrs. GROSECome Miss!It is time we went in.Come to church, my dear,it will do you good.Flora!Miles!Come along, dears.(She takes the children off towardsthe church and goes in with Flora.Miles hangs back and then comes upto the Governess.)MILESDo you like the bellsI do.They're not half finished yet.GOVERNESSNo.MILESThen we can talkand you can tell me whenI'm going back to school.GOVERNESSAre you not happy hereMILESI'm growing up, you know.I want my own kind.GOVERNESSYes, you're growing up.MILESSo much I want to do,so much I might do...GOVERNESSBut I trust you, Miles.MILESYou trust me, my dear,but you think and think...of us, and of the others.Does my uncle think what you think(He goes off in to the church.)Mrs. GROSE, FLORA, MILES(from the church)Praise him and magnify him for ever!GOVERNESSIt was a challenge!He knows what I know,and dares me to act.But who would believe my storyMrs. GroseNo - she's no good.She has doubts.I am alone, alone.I must go away now,while they are at church;away from those false little lovely eyes;away from my fears,away from the horrors;away from this poisoned place;away, away!(The lights fade as she runs away.)Variation XScene 3 - Miss Jessel(The light fades in on theschool-room, with desk TheGoverness enters immediately.Miss Jessel is sitting at the desk.)GOVERNESSShe is here!Here, in my own room!Miss JESSELHere my tragedy began,here revenge begins.GOVERNESSNearer and nearer she comes,from the lake, from the stair.Miss JESSELAh, here I suffered,here I must find my peace.GOVERNESSFrom the stair, from the passage.Miss JESSELPeace did I sayNot peace but the fierce impartingof my woe.GOVERNESSFrom the passage,into the very heart of my kingdom.Miss JESSELI shall come closer, closer,and more often.GOVERNESSThere she shedsher ghastly influence.She shall not!She shall not!I won't bear it!Miss JESSELSo I shall be waiting,waiting for the child.(The Governess braces herself tospeak directly to her.)GOVERNESSWhy are you hereMiss JESSEL(rising)Alas! Alas!GOVERNESSIt is mine, mine, the desk.Miss JESSELAlas! Alas!GOVERNESSThey are mine, mine, the children.I will never abandon them.Miss JESSELAlas! Alas!I cannot rest.I am weary and I cannot rest.GOVERNESSBegone!Begone!You horrible, terrible woman!Miss JESSELAlas!(She disappears.)GOVERNESSI can't go - I can't.But I can no longer support it alone.I must write to him,write to him now.(She goes to the desk and writes.)Sir - dear Sir -my dear Sir -I have not forgottenyour charge of silence,but there are things that you must know,and I must see you,must see and tell you, at once.Forgive me. That is all.(The scene fades.)Variation XIScene 4 - The Bedroom(The lights fade in on Miles sittingrestlessly on the edge of his bed,with his jacket and shoes off. Theroom is lit by a candle.)MILESMalo: than a naughty boy..Malo: in...(The Governess is seen approachingthe room.)I say, what are you waiting forGOVERNESS(comes in)Why Miles, not yet in bedNot even undressed.MILESO I've been sitting,sitting and thinking.GOVERNESSThinkingOf what were you thinkingMILESOf this queer life,the life we've been living.GOVERNESSWhat do you mean by thatWhat lifeMILESMy dear, you know.You're always watching.GOVERNESSI don't know, Miles,for you've never told me,you've told me nothing,nothing of what happened before I came.I thought till todaythat you were quite happy.MILESI am, I am.I'm always thinking, thinking.GOVERNESSMiles, I've just written to your guardian.MILESWhat a lot you'll have to tell him.GOVERNESSSo will You, Miles.(Miles changes his position, but doesnot answer.)Miles - dear little Miles,is there nothing you want to tell me(Miles shifts again.)QUINT(unseen)Miles - are you listeningGOVERNESSMiles, what happened at schoolWhat happened here(Miles turns away from her.)QUINT(unseen)Miles - I am here.GOVERNESSMiles,if you knew howI want to help you,how I want you to help me save you.QUINT(unseen)Miles - I'm waiting, I'm waiting,waiting, Miles.(The candle goes out.)MILESAh!GOVERNESSOh, what is itWhat is itWhy, the candle's out!MILESTwas I who blew it,who blew it, dear!(The scene fades.)Variation XII(In the first production, throughoutthis Variation and the followingScene, Quint appeared as a silhouette)QUINT(unseen)So! She has written.What has she writtenWhat has she writtenWhat has she writtenShe has told all she knows.What does she knowWhat does she knowWhat does she knowIt is there on the desk,there on the desk.Easy to take!Easy to take!Easy to take!Scene 5 - Quint(Miles is seen hesitating in his room.He then creeps across the stage tothe desk)QUINT(unseen)Take it!Take it!Take it!(Miles takes the Governess'sletter across to his bedroom.The lights fade.)Variation XIIIScene 6 - The Piano(Miles is seen sitting at the piano,playing. The Governess and Mrs.Grose are hovering about listeningto him. Flora is sitting on the floor,playing at 'cat 's cradle')GOVERNESS, Mrs. GROSEO what a clever boy; why,he must have practised very hard.Mrs. GROSEI never knew a little boy so good.GOVERNESSYes, there is no mistake,he is clever, they both are.Mrs. GROSEThey've come on wonderfullywell with you, Miss.GOVERNESSMy dear,with such children anything is possible.(She takes Mrs. Grose aside.)I've done it!I've written it!It's ready for the post.Mrs. GROSEThat's right, Miss.I'm sure that's right.GOVERNESS(aloud to Miles)Go on, dear.Mrs. Grose is enjoying it.We're all enjoying it.GOVERNESS, Mrs. GROSEO what a clever boy!I never knew a little boy so good.(The Governess stays by the pianohanging over Miles. He finishes hisfirst piece and turns the pages for thesecond.)Mrs. GROSE(walks over to watch Flora playing.)And Miss Flora, playing at cat's cradle.There's a nimble-fingered little girl.(She settles down near Flora.)Mrs. GROSE, FLORA(echoing)Cradles for catsAre string and air.If you let gothere's nothing there.But if we are neatand nimble and cleverpussy-cat's cradle willgo on for ever.FLORAMrs. Grose, are you tired(During this conversation Milesbegins showing off at the piano.)Mrs. GROSEWell, my head do keep nodding.It's this warm room.GOVERNESS(softly)Ah, Miles!Miles!FLORAShut your eyesthen and you shall have a cradle,Mrs. Grose's cradle -Mrs. GROSEAnd Master Miles' playing.FLORA(to Mrs. Grose)Go to sleep!Go to sleep!(Flora slips away unnoticed.)GOVERNESS(softly)Ah, Miles!Miles!(She stops him suddenly.)Flora!Flora!Mrs. Grose!Wake up!She is gone.Mrs. GROSEWhat Who, MissGOVERNESSFlora's gone, gone out to her.Come, we must go and find her!Mrs. GROSELord, Miss!But you'll leave the boyGOVERNESSO I don't mind that now,he's with Quint!He's found the most divine littleway to keep me quiet while she went.Come! Come!(They rush off. Miles plays triumphantlyon as the scene slowly fades.)Variation XIVScene 7 - Flora(The scene fades in on Flora bythe side of the lake, watching.The Governess and Mrs. Groseare heard, calling off-stage.)Mrs. GROSE, GOVERNESS(off)Flora!(They rush in and see the girlby the lake.)Mrs. GROSEThere she is!(She runs over to Flora.)Fancy running off like that,and such a longway, too, without your hat and coat.(The Governess slowly walks overto them.)You are a naughty girl,whatever made you leave us allGOVERNESSAnd where, my pet, is Miss Jessel(Miss Jessel appears on the otherside of the lake.)Miss JESSELFlora!GOVERNESSAh! She is there!Look! She is there!(Pointing.)Look! You little unhappy thing!Look! Mrs. Grose!She is there!Miss JESSELFlora! Do not fall me!Mrs. GROSEIndeed Miss, there's nothing there.GOVERNESSOnly look, dearest woman,don't you see, now, now!Miss JESSELNothing shall they know.Mrs. GROSE(to Flora)She isn't there, little lady,nobody is there.GOVERNESSBut look!FLORAI can't see anybody, can't see anything,nobody, nothing, nobody, nothing;I don't know what you mean.Mrs. GROSE(comforting)There's nobody there. -Miss JESSELWe know all things,they know nothing,don't betray me.Silence!Silence!Mrs. GROSEShe isn't there.Why, poor Miss Jessel'sdead and buried,we know that, love.It's all a mistake.FLORAYou're cruel, horrible,hateful, nasty.Why did you come hereI don't know what you mean.Take me away!Take me away!(Pointing at the Governess.)I don't like her!I hate her!GOVERNESS(with horror)Me!Mrs. GROSEYes, it's all a mistake,and we'll get homeas fast as we can.There, there, dearie,we'll get home as fast as we can.GOVERNESSYes! Go! Go! Go!Miss JESSEL.Ah! Flora, Flora,do not fail me! Flora!FLORAI can't see anybody,can't see anything,nobody, nothing.I don't know what she means.Cruel, horrible,hateful, nasty!We don't want you!We don't want you!Take me away, take me away from her!Hateful, cruel,nasty, horrible!(Flora and Mrs. Grose go offcomforting one another. TheGoverness watches them go whileMiss Jessel slowly disappears.)GOVERNESSAh! my friend, you have forsaken me!At last you have forsaken me.Flora, I have lost you,she has taught you how to hate me.Am I then horribleNo! No!But I have failed, most miserably failed,and there is no more innocence in me.And now she hates me!Hates me!Hates me!(The lights quickly fade.)Variation XVScene 8 - Miles(The house and grounds. As the lightsfade in Mrs. Grose and Flora appear inthe porch, dressed for travelling, Florawith doll and little bag. The Governesswalks towards them, Flora deliberatelyturns her back.)GOVERNESSMrs. G rose -Mrs. GROSEO Miss,you were quite right,I must take her away.Such a night as I have spent -(She cries.)No, don't ask me.What that child has poured outin her dreams -things I never knew nor hope to know,nor dare remember.GOVERNESSMy dear,I thought I had lost you,thought you couldn't believe me,my dear -Mrs. GROSEI must take her away.GOVERNESSYes, go to their uncle.He knows now that all is not well,he has had my letter.Mrs. GROSEMy dear, your letter never went,it wasn't where you put it.GOVERNESSMilesMrs. GROSEMiles must have taken it.GOVERNESSAll the same, go,and I shall stay and face whatI have to face with the boy.(Mrs. Grose goes quickly toFlora and takes her off.)O Miles -I cannot bear to lose you!You shall be mine, and I shall save you.(Miles saunters on.)MILESSo, my dear, we are alone.GOVERNESSAre we aloneMILESOh, I'm afraid so.GOVERNESSDo you mindDo you mind being left aloneMILESDo youGOVERNESSDearest Miles,I love to be with you -what else should I stay forMILESSo, my dear,for me you stayGOVERNESSI stay as your friend,I stay as your friend.Miles, there is nothingI would not do for you, remember -MILESYes, yes.If I'll do something nowfor you.GOVERNESSDo tell me what it is thenyou have on your mind.QUINT(unseen)Miles!(Miles looks desperately round,but cannot see Quint.)GOVERNESSI still want you to tell me.MILESNowGOVERNESSYes - it would be best, you know.QUINT(unseen)Beware of her!(Miles looks about again.)GOVERNESSWhat is it, MilesDo you want to go and playMILESAwfully!I will tell you everything.I will!QUINT(unseen)No!MILESBut not now.GOVERNESSMiles, did you steal my letterQUINT(appears on the tower)Miles! I am waiting,watching for you now.(The Governess sees Quint and pushesMiles round so that he cannot see him.)GOVERNESSDid youDid youMILESNo. Yes.I took it.(Quint turns away.)GOVERNESSWhy did you take it(Quint descends the tower)MILESTo see what you said about us.QUINTBe silent!GOVERNESSMiles, dear little Miles,who is it you seeWho do you wait for, watch forQUINTDo not betray our secrets.Beware, beware of her!MILESI don't know what you mean.GOVERNESSWho is it, whoSay - for my sake -look at me, Miles!QUINTMiles, you're mine!You must be free.MILESIs he there, is he thereGOVERNESSIs who there, MilesSay it!QUINTDon't betray us, Miles!MILESNobody, nothing.GOVERNESSWho WhoWho made you take the letterWho do you wait for, watch forOnly say the nameand he will go for ever, for ever.QUINTOn the banks, by the walls,remember Quint.At the window. on the tower,when the candle is out,remember, Quint.He leads, he watches,he waits, he waits.MILESPeter Quint, you devil.(He runs into theGoverness's arms.)GOVERNESSAh, Miles, you are saved,now all will be well.Together we have destroyed him.QUINTAh Miles, we have failed.Now I must go.Farewell.Farewell, Miles, farewell.(Quint slowly disappears)GOVERNESSAh! What is itWhat is itMiles, speak to me, speak to me.Why don't you answer(She realises that the boy is dead.)Miles, Miles, Miles!Ah. ah, don't leave me now!(She lays him down on the ground.)Ah! Miles!Malo, Malo!Malo than a naughty boy.Malo, Malo in adversity.What have we done between usMalo, Malo, Malo, Malo, Malo...T h e E n d 153554b96e