Apple Along With 180 Other Companies Redefine The Purpose Of A Corporation To Promote an Economy [2021]
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Leadership is yet another one. We find that firms where the CEOs were promoted internally have a higher sense of purpose. Rising through the ranks seems to be an important variable when considering preserving the purpose of the organization. Finally, strategic choices, such as mergers and acquisitions, are also an important factor. We find that M&A tends to cause a decrease in sense of purpose, consistent with the idea that most M&A activity does not include enough due diligence on how it will affect employees and firm culture.
In 2019, BRT redefined its definition of the purpose of a corporation as participating in stakeholder capitalism, putting the interests of employees, customers, suppliers and communities on par with shareholders. BRT board members include, in 2021, chair Doug McMillon of Walmart, president and CEO, former White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, Mary Barra of General Motors, Tim Cook of Apple, and Chuck Robbins of Cisco.[3][4][5][6][7]
On August 19, 2019, BRT redefined its decades-old definition of the purpose of a corporation, replacing its bedrock principle that shareholder interests must be placed above all else, as defined in 1970 by conservative economist and Nobel economics laureate Milton Friedman[15] and promoted during the 1980s in the teachings and writings of economist Alfred Rappaport; the shareholder value theory was widely adopted in 20th century North American boardrooms.[16] The BRT statement, signed by nearly 200 chief executive officers from major U.S. corporations in 2019, makes a \"fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders,\" including customers, employees, suppliers and local communities.[17] 153554b96e